Monday, November 7, 2011


So much of my life seems to be ending.. Pieces of me are wearing away, pieces that have been there since I have been able to make decisions for myself. I'm learning about people in ways I wish I didn't have to. Last year I wrote an argument paper on whether people are essentially good and choose to be evil, or if people are essentially evil and choose to be good. I chose naturally that people are essentially good; oh how naive I was! I've learned that you can rarely trust someone. That people don't always have the best intentions, and the only person truly looking out for you entirely is yourself. No one else will ever understand what your true feelings are, they walk over you, take advantage of you, and they don't care what they break along the way. I do believe there are good people in the world, and I believe that someday God will help me find happiness, and help me find someone to share that happiness with. If I were to have one thing in life, it would be to find that one person, that person that loves you unconditionally. The one that accepts you at your worst, and adores you at your best. I want a best friend, a lover, someones to grow old with and share all the joys and sorrows of life with. If I were to have nothing else, I'd be perfectly content with just that.


  1. Hey, I saw your video that you send to Macy Maloy and I wanted to read some of your stuff. I'm in awe, you're an amazing writer.

  2. Thank you so much! I'm just elated that people actually are reading my writing. You are really helping me achieve my dream by reading this. Thankyouthankyouthankyou!:)
