Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Why I write.

To those who may read this,

I just would like to clarify why I created this blog. This isn't a journal or a diary. It's not a simple record of the occurrences in my daily life. It's so much more than that. This is a blog that will soon hold my biggest dreams, deepest desires, and grittiest truths. I'm not writing because I think I have talent to be discovered or because I want to be recognized and become famous. I'm writing because words are the one way I truly know how to connect with other people. By getting out what I feel, or by writing down what's eating at me gives other people something to relate to. Doing this is a journey for myself. A journey for discovering who I really am, and I pray to God to please give me the courage to let me be myself. Because I'm tired of hiding. We only get to live once, so why should I run away from the person I want to be? I have the divine right to express myself and I shouldn't have to fear being judged for that. I can't guarantee this is going to be profound or all inspiring. It may be sad, random, angry, or any other possible adjective you can think of. I'm done hiding how I feel, my opinions, dreams, desires, etc. I want people to see that there are so many people in the world that you can relate to, and you'll never be alone. Whether I inspire you to write, or inspire you to laugh at what I have to say, I'm still creating an impact. I'm still doing what I love to do, and ultimately thats all that matters. I don't know for certain people exist that feel what I feel, or desire what I want,but I strongly believe there is. And I pray to God that I find them and that they find me so I know that

1 comment:

  1. The last sentence is supposed to say... And I pray to God that I find them, and that they find me so I know that I'm not alone in this crazy,unforgiving world.
