Thursday, November 17, 2011

Forgetting How Blessed I Am

Written Nov. 14th, 2011

Isn't it so easy to get preoccupied with everything that you don't have in life? Wants are unlimited and ever changing, so knowing the impossibility of true satisfaction in life, how can we ever expect to be happy? I don't have a solid answer to that question, but I've recently come to a realization on a couple ways to achieve that satisfaction and happiness that everyone looks for in life. First off, be happy with life now. Cherish what you have because it goes by so fast. Why worry about the future? Find something or someone that makes you happy and embrace it. Hold onto it for as long as you can. Life is too short to worry if everything you do is exactly right. Mistakes are guidelines or stepping stones that point us in the path of what we're truly aiming for; we often just don't realize that. The second key to happiness and satisfaction is to find and live out your passions. Whether that is music, writing, or drawing, always do what you love. God put you on Earth to be yourself and live the life you want to live--not to please anyone else. Lastly, you should have the ability to hope and truly have faith in something that will drive you to see light and beauty in the darkest of situations. As the saying goes, "God works in mysterious ways." If you have faith in him, if you love him; he will guide you and accompany you through a wonderful life. A life where you are able to see beauty in the simplest things that most overlook, and a life where you will infect others with the joy and wealth of love. Today was I day I forgot that all of these wonderful things surrounded me. When I realized one again how blessed I truly am, my heart soared falling into the arms of heaven's angels once again.

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