Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Life's Choices

In every person's life, there comes a time where you need to make decisions despite the emotional toll it may have on you. And while some may argue life gets easier with age, they're wrong. Life gets easier for the people who take the easy way out. Who don't admit the truth to themselves, and who ultimately live among numerous regrets that in turn haunt them forever. While their lives may be easy, they sure are not happy. When you meet someone, it is all about timing. For the most part, if timing is off then it is most likely not meant to be. You'll feel reluctant and hesitant to continue with the relationship, and that is the ultimate sign that it's over. When you're in love, there is no question. You won't care about meeting someone else, or sacrificing your dreams for that person. That is "the end of life as you know it," and no one should be able to change that. So when looking for love, realize that you deserve that person that ruins you for all others. Never settle because you fear loneliness; happiness never stems out of fear. So take risks, make mistakes. Let go if you're unsure about someone. I've once heard that absence makes the heart grow fonder; and if that's true I know of someone who will be waiting for me to make some more mistakes with.

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