Tuesday, August 16, 2011

And I've been dreaming too long

I love to sleep, but only because I love to dream. Everything about my dreams are so ideal, everything exactly how I want it now and in the future. It is a nice thing, being able to dream. But the only issue I'm having is I'm spending so much time obsessing over and living in these dreams that I'm forgetting to live in this world. I'm letting life pass me by for some fantasy land I've create in my head. A place where I'm the lucky girl that these dreamy musicians and teen stars fall in love with me because they see past my exterior and recognize something special. Then they sweep me off my feet and love me forever so then I never have to worry about being hurt again. And I can finally think, I'm safe now. But I have to stop carrying such wild desires into my normal life. It's unhealthy and really damaging. Life wasnt meant to be a safe thing. We're supposed to vulnerable and fall down, thats just how this crazy world works.I don't want to be so caught up in things such as these so that everything passes me by in a blur and I'm left alone because I couldn't find that perfect person that's been conjured up in my head the past however many years. I need to take grasp of reality and just embrace it. I need to accept exactly who I want to be , and just be it. Or else i'll live the rest of my life in one big regret, never knowing if I chose the right things. From now on I'm accepting not only myself, but everyone else too. I've got to realize they're who they ate for a reason, and this is exactly how God wanted it to be.

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