Sunday, September 9, 2012

Sweet mornings

It's mornings like these that make me forget all that I've lost and all the pain I've felt. Your arms are wrapped around me, protecting me from the past and your touch protects me from my adverse thoughts. We woke up by each other this morning our noses touching, fingers entwined; forgetting the world around us. If I could freeze any moment and keep it forever I'd keep this one. The way sleep clouds your gaze, your soft touch running through my hair and down my neck; the only word to describe how I feel right now is content. And that is just the surface; I don't think that the right words even exist to explain what is going through my mind. You see right past how broken I am and you breathe new life into me. You're the only one who has the power to make me feel alive again, or make me feel at all for that matter. So long I've been seeing destruction and hopelessness in everything; but now you've given me new perspective. It's the afternoon and I'm no longer in your arms. I can feel sadness creeping up my back once again; but I don't worry because I know I'll be laying next to you again soon. Safe once again from my own subversion.